Except I am not a train wreck and I have the ability to control my eating and exercise habits. I have the ability to put down the bad food and pick up the good. I have the ability to say no but I make the choices that spell my doom. I am my own worst enemy and instead of taking back control...I throw my hands up with the inner commentary exclaiming 'everyone can fuck off, I'm an adult and can do whatever the hell I want!' And then I pretend that everything that is going on with me doesn't affect me to the extent it does. The last 5 months have been amazing for me, stressful yes, but healthy ones minus allergy issues. My feet felt better, my connective tissues didn't flare up so bad, I was sleeping better and more than all of those...I kinda started to like myself. Sigh.
I am not looking for any great words of wisdom or people to pelt me with imaginary rocks for my sins...I am writing this all down in an attempt to keep myself honest.
I don't want to be fat. I don't want to be in pain. I don't want to hate myself. I don't want to live the rest of my life a prisoner in my own body. With all that said, you would think I could get a grip and right the ship...I wish it were that easy.
But nothing worth doing, is going to be easy. Yes, I know. I'm a therapist remember?! Sigh.
I am disappointed in myself, and I imagine that if anyone reads my blog...they are likely disappointed in me as well. And I am sorry to all of us. I can't say tomorrow will be better. I can't say that I will make better choices or turn things around. But what I can say, and often advise clients..."I understand that you hurt. I understand that you feel bad. I understand that you are sorry. But being sorry does nothing. If you are indeed sorry, then make a change."
Deb...I am sorry, and I want to make a change. I just don't know how.......