Tuesday, November 8, 2016

When Hope Died

I remember a time when people thought it would be funny if Trump was president. Insert jokes on end...SNL skits etc. At some point, shit got real and now here we stand, mouths open in disbelief, confusion written across our faces...as we try to make sense of something that is completely nonsensical. 
I am sad beyond belief, not necessarily that Trump has appeared to become our next president...but sad about how divided we as a nation have become. How fractured we are and how so many people can find themselves following the wolf in sheeps clothing...blindly following because they are so desperate to believe in something more. 
We are a nation in turmoil.
We are a nation confused.
We are a nation lost.
Sometimes when we lose something, we realize how much we loved it and how important it was to us. Sometimes we have to have something taken away in order to realize we were taking it for granted.
This my friends is one of those times. Sadly, this is our life now and we must pick ourselves up and try and make the changes necessary to redeem ourselves. 
We have let the world down.
We have let womens rights slip through our fingers.
We have let every minority know they are worthless. 
I will not vacate America, but I am resolute that I will be part of the solution and not the problem. America is great now, it has always been great and always will be great. 
We are lost but change comes with time...growth can be painful. Hold strong my friends, do not lose sight of our destiny but more importantly support each other. Love each other. Be kind.
I love you America. I love you my family. I love you my friends. Regardless of who you voted for. I am confident that we will find our way.

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Just my opinion

It’s so easy casting stones and passing judgment when we do so through social media. Making one mistake, enhanced and further magnified by comments taken out of context, word-of-mouth that spreads like telephone where each time you hear the story it becomes less and less of the truth… simple mistakes, growing pains and ignorant minds trying to become knowledgeable turn into the enemy, and before you know it someone’s life is ruined. There is a certain sense of anonymity when one makes proclamations from behind the screen and opinions get shared as if they are truths. Technologically speaking we are advanced, emotionally however we lag behind… we feel justified speaking our minds and hiding behind the same screens we silently and not so silently judge everyone around us by. We are a society that claims to be tolerant and accepting, when in reality we convict others without a second thought. We become each other’s judge, jury, and executioner’s all because of social media and the platform it gives us to speak to the world. Just because you have the platform doesn’t mean you are correct, nor does it mean you have the power to control others. Information spreads like wildfire, sometimes that information is correct and sometimes that information is vastly misguided but nonetheless it spreads, it changes, and it ruins people’s lives.

We are a country where we are held to higher standards, or at least we should be, but we judge people without knowing all the details, and then rationalize the decisions we make because “it’s my opinion.” Before social media and the instant gratification that the Internet provides us, saying that something is your opinion was simply just that… your opinion. But now when you share your opinion, that opinion gets shared, reposted, shared some more, liked and retweeted as though it were fact. Many people’s lives are ruined by others opinions when it simply would have been easier and more productive by seeking out basic information or taking a moment to educate someone on topics that they are either misguided on or simply ignorant. There are very few times where you have the opportunity to educate a mind and a true insincere fashion and actually make a change, yet social media allows us to make snap judgments without any of the constraints that a logical conversation would have. It is true sometimes people don’t want to be educated, it is also true that sometimes people don’t want to educate but that in no way shape or form should stop us from taking a moment out of our day to seriously have a conversation with someone who doesn’t quite understand “your opinion.”

The greatest treasure we have in this world is the blessing of friendship and unconditional love and unfortunately both while being in high demand are scarce in this new world of Internet anonymity and a society that is quick to judge. What we need now are people willing to listen to each other, educate, and provide alternative sounding boards as a way to become a better society. Unfortunately what we have right now are people who make judgment calls as though they are fact and then offer no compassion or understanding that could otherwise lead to more commonalities than there are differences between us. The world is full of shades of gray and very rarely is anything ever truly black or white yet we continue to judge others not by how we would want to be judged but on quick misguided notions that lack any sincere clarity. We have all made mistakes and we will all continue to make mistakes that is one of the most fundamental truths of reality but forgiveness used to be something practiced on a daily basis, we used to forgive others especially if they tried hard to see the other side of the story or realize that the differences aren’t  quite so large as once believed… so many times have we forgiven and moved on and become better for it, but now once judgment is passed there is little forgiveness ever granted and that is how society is dooming itself. Instead of becoming a better collective we are creating more differences, then we are similarities.

People should still be allowed to have their opinions, they should still be allowed to express those opinions, but somewhere along the way someone made it a crime to have an opinion unless of course it was a shared opinion with other people. We claim to be tolerant and accepting of others but in reality that tolerance and acceptance ends if you feel differently than the majority. If you share an opinion that does not mix with the general crowd you are no longer accepted. Our society has turned into hypocrisy, and we have seriously lost our independent thinking. We no longer step outside of our boxes and see what the world through different eyes, we don’t exercise critical thinking and we don’t challenge our minds by having sincere conversations with others that we don’t always share the same opinion with. Some of my best friends historically have been those I shared very little in common with and I was better for it. They are people that I could have real deep conversations with about things from socioeconomic status to Christianity and everything in between and know that I could share an opinion that at the time I thought may have been fact but after intense conversations and getting to know one another my opinion changed, or their opinion changed, or we realize none of us had any idea what we were talking about. We just knew we were passionate about something and we wanted to be heard. I have very few friendships like that anymore, people get offended, and just don’t take the time to sit down and listen and talk and listen some more.

Perhaps I am just nostalgic for the time when friendships were really friendships, and people went out of their way to create understanding and true acceptance. I have made many mistakes in my life, and I have learned from each and every one of them. Sometimes I’ve learned the lesson that I was supposed to, but sometimes I have learned the opposite. We’re not here to be perfect. We’re not here to have ongoing homeostasis. Challenges make us grow, differences make us stronger and forgiveness moves us forward. At each moment of our life we are doing the best we can, sometimes our best is really pretty dang good, and sometimes our best is horrible. None of us should judge another person on what our best is because their best is something completely different. Before you cast those stones, and before you believe your judgment to be fact… Consider a few simple things.

            How do I want to be judged?
            Have I ever made a mistake?
            Do I absolutely know the truth from all sides?
            Is this a teachable moment?

No matter what you believe after reading this post or if you have any opinion at all, just slow down long enough to think about what you want in this world. Because I guarantee we all want the same thing. Unconditional love, acceptance, and belonging. If your actions do not contribute to any of those three, perhaps you should reconsider your voice in social media. That’s something I’m still learning and trying to do.

Of course this is just my opinion.

Monday, July 18, 2016

Open Letter to my Ex...

I've been thinking a lot about you the last few days...wondering how you are doing, are you happy? I know you are in another relationship, and I do hope that things are going very well for you. Do you ever think about me and if you do...is anything positive? Most of my thoughts about you, have been pretty minimal really...I've seen you a few times at derby bouts but ignore you. I think at those times, my heart skips a beat and I want to say hi, but I don't. I have no thoughts about being together, but I do miss your friendship and certain aspects of you. But I know that you have moved on, and so have I, yet I feel the need to post this letter...you still have me blocked on Facebook so you probably will never read this, but when my heart tells me something...I listen. That was after all one of the things you once loved about me.

I have for a very long time (since you broke up with me) blamed Flash for killing our relationship. It was never the same after that incident...after trust faltered and sides had to be taken. I don't know what exactly happened, I just know that we never found the love after that. I'm not sure if she meant to cause so much pain, but I never really forgave either one of us or the situation it created. So much changed...and never recovered.

Then I blamed you because you took her side. It quietly but constantly ate at me. I became bitter and it rotted parts of my heart to the point that I couldn't love you the same as I once did. I blamed your choice for staying in the same home as your wife that you were still married to, but separated from. I was angry that I couldn't feel comfortable in your home and that I couldn't step out of my comfort zone to try something new. I'm not sure what happened but I slowly started giving you up and I placed the blame on you for your choices.

But I have realized that the person who is to blame is me. Yes, there were things that took place that created obstacles, but I made poor choices and was a total ass to you. In fact I was the worst kind of asshole to you...I broke your heart slowly, making you take control of the destruction of our love. I refused to just let you go, and made you go crazy with my inability to be responsible. I was angry that you broke up with me via text...but I understand why you did. I would have done the same thing if the roles were reversed. I was horrible to you. I hurt you more than you could have ever deserved, slowly driving you away but still hanging on so I didn't feel like the bad guy.

But I was the bad guy.

It was me, not you.

I was careless with your love...your heart...your mind. You deserved better.

No amount of sorries could take away the shitty things I put you through. But I want you to know that I am taking responsibility for my behavior. I was a horrible girlfriend to you in the end, but hopefully before I became an ugly human being...hopefully there was something good that came from us. No matter how small, I hope there is something positive that I left in your heart.

Lisa...I am incredibly sorry for all I did and didn't do to push us apart. I forced you into a horribly difficult position and hurt you more than I probably even know. I have learned that I was not ready for your love...your life...you. I was selfish, ignorant and took for granted all that you had to offer. I think fondly of you, and hope the best for you in every way. I was a dick. Plain and simple, and I should be publicly shamed for how shitty I was to you. I won't ask for your forgiveness, I don't deserve it.

Since I can't apologize in person or in any other way...this letter is all I have to offer.

I still love you, and I thank you for loving me the way you did. For a brief moment in time I knew what it felt to be loved with all of ones heart and soul. It felt amazing and I miss it. Thank you for that. Thank you for everything.

I am incredibly sorry.

Friday, February 19, 2016

GET UP (Ode to Red, Inky, and SP)

A couple years ago at the 2nd annual Bombercon in Okanogan County, I had the opportunity to meet some wonderful people who as it turns out have become very dear friends of mine. To say that derby has transformed my life would be an understatement; it’s more like derby has made my life more complete.  I go places I normally would never travel to, spend time with people I likely wouldn’t socialize with in general society simply because our paths wouldn’t cross or for the purposes of this entry…they live in the great white North, or to put it simply…Canada. A place that just so happens has almost become like a second home.

This entry is dedicated to the wonderful Canadians who have enriched my life, ones who I’ve just become friends with and those I’ve known for several years. Most importantly my dear friends Red Sonja, Inkshot and Skatepark with the latter two being new members of a very wonderful crew of people, the Terminal City All Stars out of Vancouver B.C. I’ve been fairly close to the TCRG All Stars for the last 2-3 years and cannot express how much I adore that team…those quirky Canadians. And words cannot express how happy, proud, thrilled and overjoyed I am that three skaters I met several years ago, just learning to make good plow stops, jump over apexes and work on mastering foot agility have eclipsed anything I could have ever dreamed of doing and are now members of such an amazing and elite all star team. Yeah, I could be a bit bias, but I see a lot of things…I observe so much more than people think I do. I may be just a photographer but I understand the game, the skills required to do the amazing things on and off the track that all add up to making a skater an athlete. As an NSO I watched year in and year out the evolution of skaters from Bambi’s on ice to super skaters doing things with their bodies that defy logic. And while I no longer NSO, I spend almost as much time watching skaters, studying their movements, learning their favorite moves and preferences on the track so that I can become a better photographer…all of which means I still watch skaters progress…change…evolve.

So to Red Sonja, who made the TCRG All Star team last year I say this…remember this?

And to InkShot and Skatepark who made the TCRG All Star team this year…remember this?

Ultimately we are what we make ourselves into…work hard, believe in yourself and stick to it if it’s important to you. You don’t just wake up one morning with the passion to become more than you are…it comes from failure, tears, pain and determination. And while it sounds and probably is less dramatic, becoming a better photographer is much the same. I see my failures, the “damn I missed that shot,” the blurry lines, the missed moments, the photos from other photographers that I wish I could do and it all feeds my passion to be better, to do better…and while there is no all star team for me as a photographer to graduate to, I still reach higher and demand more from myself.

What’s the old adage? Fall down 7 times, get up 8.

No matter your struggle. No matter your passion. No matter how many times that blocker hits you to the track surface. No matter what…get up.