Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Oh, something shiny!!

I do life, like I do vacations. I go along whatever path I’m on until I’m forced to make a change or I see something shiny in the distance that looks interesting and warrants a closer look. In the former case, whether it be a T stop or 4 way light, I sit for a moment…look down each path regardless of just how far along each one I can see…I shrug to myself and go. Never really having a destination in mind, don’t get me wrong sometimes I do…but how I get there or how long it takes is anyone’s guess. People that ask me “so where are you going on your vacation” look at me with such concern and bewilderment when I without hesitation inevitably say, “I don’t know.” I think sometimes they find me indignant as if I am purposely keeping information from them because the information they seek is privileged. Well, it’s not. It’s just simply not there to give. If I don’t make plans, everything is a surprise. If I don’t make plans, I can’t screw things up. This is how I have always been. You know that bumper sticker…not all who wander are lost? That’s me. Except sometimes I am lost, but when you wander, does it really matter? Can you really be lost when you have no destination or outcome in mind?

Good things can come from how I do life...vacations. And sometimes I miss amazing opportunities. I walk this life with a constant feeling that I am living someone else's life...like there was a mix up somewhere along the way. Like I should have taken a left when I took a right. That maybe I was destined for something else but the proverbial ship has sailed. It is times like this I realize I am alone in this venture...a weary traveler passing through. But on this day, it was a pleasant right turn that led me to a beautiful place, surrounded by tall grass, mud, large piles of drift wood and other malodorous items I could not identify where I took some great pictures. On this day, my random turn...turned out right.

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