Sunday, November 14, 2010

Camel Toe and Mr. Sanchez...

Picture this, mom and I are driving to pick up the pup from the groomers and while sitting at a light we began discussing the latest "Walmart Pics" that occasionally greet us in our inbox's. There was one that we found highly entertaining where this obese/older woman was wearing these stretch pants that she pulled all the way up to barely cover her breasts since they were hanging low anyway. Since the photo was taken from behind, I commented to mom that she must really have a serious "camel toe" going on in front...nothing but silence in the car, I turned to look at mom and said, "you don't know what a camel toe is do you?" She basically said no, so I started laughing so hard I thought I might pee myself right there at the light. I never in my life imagined that I would be sitting in a car telling my mom about what a camel toe is and what creates it. And for those that are reading this and don't know are going to have to ask someone else.

Having not yet reached the groomers, I started laughing in the silence and of course mom wanted to know what I found so funny...I told her that I had to explain to my friend Elizabeth on Facebook what a "dirty Sanchez" was. Laughing yet again to myself, the only sound in the car I hear is me..."mom you've got to be kidding me, how can you live this long and not know what a dirty Sanchez is?" She sarcastically shot back at me that she didn't actually know everything despite being a mother. So within a 10 minute span I found myself AGAIN explaining a very delicate poo extraction and deposit that guys really find funny and most women find quite disgusting. Her response was "ugh that is the most disgusting thing ever, why on earth would I want to know what that is? Sick." And there I was still laughing at the fact that never in my life did I expect to have either of the above conversations with my mother...I think I would have rather sat down and had "the talk" instead of the perilous nature of the wild camel toe and the elusive dirty Sanchez. Even now, I sit here shaking my head at the funny factor that was our car ride to the groomers. I suppose I shouldn't really be surprised, even as a youngster she and I always had great communication while traveling...but perhaps singing Ann Murray may have been a better topic. Note to self.

Today I start my two day holiday...not a darn thing do I have planned. Well, sleep is very high on my priority list, but I would love to get out in some good weather and take a couple hundred photos to play with in Lightroom. I'm reading books and how to better my skills in the photography department, but am starting to feel the pull to paint. Painting is a hobby of mine that takes a great amount of "mood." I don't paint things, I paint feelings...emotions. I want to do a painting for my physical therapist and my roller derby girl...but fear rejection and the actual realization that I am no good. You wouldn't believe how many of my paintings I have thrown away...I am clearly not impressed with my work. Blah, blah, eyes are getting heavy so perhaps it is time to sleep. I love being awake at this time of the night/early is quiet and peaceful. Now if only the rain would start pouring, my night would be super fantastical.

Two I did and gave away...


  1. Having had dancers in my family, I am familiar with the concept of the "camel toe." The other one, not so much.

    I like your paintings.

  2. I hope to never have that conversation with my mom ;) haha. Your paintings are great! I love the second one. A lot.
