Friday, September 26, 2014

Today's horoscope.

There's an underlying tension creating a struggle between who you want to be and what others expect from you. There may not be an easy resolution to this emotional dilemma today, but you still might believe that things will work out if you just hang on for a while longer. However, this wait-and-see approach is a dangerous strategy because you can talk yourself out of initiating the necessary action that could bring you closer to happiness. Your life will change for the better once you start acting like you're the master of your own destiny.

True. True. True.

Not just for today, but everyday really. I have always felt like two different people. One trapped inside the other. The one I want to be, the one I am supposed to be trapped, suffocating inside the fat, ugly, lazy one on the outside.

I guess there is a reason that my astrological sign represents a sort of yin-yang thing. Two similarities, going in opposite directions...sigh.

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