“Some people have faith in God and expect miracles in 2020.”
There are so many line in this essay that I could speak on, it took me all day of almost constant thought to finally decide on the above. I have mixed emotions about this because I have two very different sides of me that pull at my feelings and thoughts. I guess the first thing is understanding that faith has little to do with what God does or does not do. We are not, nor have we ever been promised that God will give us the best outcomes if we but only have faith. It holds true in many ways that we find miracles around us and attribute them to God, which is fair. But here’s the kicker, God works those miracles through the hands of humans. Antibiotics while being of God, were created by man. The ventilators that kept some of my clients alive, were created by man, but the intelligence was granted by God. Faith isn’t faith if you can see it, or when it responds because it has too. That’s not faith.
Faith tests us. Faith is what makes humans different than other species. Faith can save us in times of extreme hardship, but faith can also break us. Especially if something we strongly believe in, falters. We don’t always get what we think is right, just and true. Sometimes we get a no and sometimes we get a not yet. God doesn’t want us to suffer, but he understands that we all have free will, the choice to be nice or mean, the choice to save or condemn…and the choice to believe that miracles will happen or believe that caution is the better part of valor. There are no rules to the game we are playing, we just have to believe that we can be better than we are. God works through all of us, He brings people into our lives that can help or push or teach…faith does not equal blind ignorance, so you have to remember that God doesn’t use the speaker button, He whispers. The louder we get, the more quiet He gets.
Don’t get me wrong, miracles are great…but He will not rescue us simply because He is God. That would defeat the purpose of even being on this planet. He is the ever watchful Father who lets us free fully knowing we will act and receive the natural consequences. To some degree or another we need to make our own miracles. All we can ask of each other is to try our best every day, fully knowing that our best isn’t always going to be constant day in and day out. Sometimes just getting out of bed is our best, and that’s okay. Other times our best is seeing our homeless, addicted and traumatized clients under a local bridge and making a difference, no matter how small that difference is. Lately, I’m ashamed to say that my best has been horrible…sure I’m there for my clients, doing my job but I can’t self care because COVID has the beaches I walk for serenity and peace…closed. I can really only say this, remember who you are and how you want to be treated. Remember that God has a plan and sometimes we don’t know where that plan is going to take us. Remember that you are loved even when our walks take us far from Him. He is a constant, ever present. But that doesn’t mean we just sit back and let God do what God does…we have to put in the work. Love yourself. Care for yourself and fill your own bucket before you give to others of the excess. Create your own miracles. Have faith in the process. With the utmost love and respect, Deb
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