‘As is Condition’
(Another unsolicited response to #MotivationMonday with Create Change)
Yet another week is upon me, and just like last week I feel that the blinking cursor on the screen before me is mocking the fact that I’ve been typing, then deleting, then typing only to stop in mid sentence with my fingers hovering about the keyboard like the very next stroke will set off a bomb...I’m silently mapping out my next move hoping for inspiration to strike...only to hit delete a thousand more times. The cursor and I have a very complex dance we do, one where I lead but I have no control over the tempo of the music. Impatiently it waits for me to gather the thoughts lurking just on the other side of my eyelids, that I can almost see when my eyes are closed but quickly vanish once I open them again. It is at that moment I realize that I’ve been holding my breath and my shoulders are tight...this response hits too close.
When I look at my notes from the live stream, I have a page full of quotes, thoughts and hashtags that I had hoped would guide my stubborn fingers, and while I cannot readily access who said what in my mind, the quote I am trying to focus on went like this, “perfectly imperfect people.” I got to thinking about this notion of perfection and wondered who decides what perfect is and who gave them the right and authority to make that decision? But then I was questioning why in the world we let someone make that decision and why don’t we take that control back? I surely can’t be the only person that has contemplated this...right?
I mean who decided that the perfect image of a woman is ‘blond, tall, slim, blue eyes, white teeth with a sun kissed tan?’ Who decided that the perfect image of a man is ‘tall, green eyes, muscular build with abs of steel and a full head of hair?’ Why do we allow this narrative to exist in this day and age, when the composition of our world is so diverse, eclectic and special? Last I checked there is no rule that states we must be cookie cutter representations of the model on page 24 of Vogue. Might I add there is also no rule that states we shouldn’t. That’s the beauty of this life, it’s the differences that make us such an amazing species and even more so, the acceptance that we are capable of and our ability to adapt. Perhaps it’s time for us to change that pre-existing, long overdue, well established narrative and reclaim what it means to be “perfectly imperfect.”
I would propose that it is our broken, shattered, beaten and bruised selves...made perfect by the very actions meant to tear us down. It is the imperfections that make us who we are, the wounds, the scars, the dimples, the stretch marks...the world would have you believe that beauty is defined as perfection, the absence of cracks, mistakes and damage. But I’m here to tell you that all the things that we have been programmed to strive for...the image that magazines and Hollywood sell us...are nothing but lies. Impossibilities fed to the masses to distance, separate and isolate us from our true selves. We are destined for joy, happiness, peace, love, and acceptance.
Stop buying into the lies.
At this very moment, as you read this, know that you are as the Universe intended. We are all a work in progress, not perfection. Just as you are, know that you are needed, you are enough, you will make a difference and all of this happens once we realize that we are beautifully broken and amazing ‘as is.’
Here is my challenge, conquer your fear and open your eyes. Rise up, make your voice heard and bend the narrative to your will. I’ll start first…fat rolls, stretch marks and imperfections do not and will not determine my self worth. #changethenarrative
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