Sunday, September 27, 2020

The Bricks We Know

There’s an indentation, the absence of a mark that should rest on the lines of my soul

A weightless shell, empty and without inward form, lacking design and longing for purpose

A quiet whisper known only to the wind, long gone before the realization hits

Leaving the echo of your words bouncing off these walls we’d built

The dreams we created, brick and mortar dripping with the lies that once glued us together

You leave behind chasms of sorrow

Deep seeded loss reaching every red blood cell, tinting them white 

The knowledge that what once was a known, now betrays 

Preparing for the fight

But the heart stills its beat, the lungs sting without oxygen 

It never fails, every damn time

Just when the next action is assured, the memories cling with sharpened nails 

When you are by my side, with bloodshot eyes

I see it clearly, like the finest crystal on display

Locked in a cabinet for sale by owner 

The only sign that remains 

A future left in doubt

A past no longer claimed

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