Wednesday, May 26, 2010

I'm new at this...

I use to keep a journal, but that was long ago and what feels like a different life time. I've never thought about blogging, seemed a bit odd to me to just post your thoughts and feelings on web page for the world to see. But then it occurred to me that since no one really reads my posts on facebook, I doubt anyone will read my blog. Perhaps someday, maybe one or two people will give a damn about my life, what I've gone through, where I've been and what I would have liked to have experienced. As it stands now, it's just me, the keyboard and the screen that are clued into the fact that I have a blog. And frankly, I don't think any of us really care that I do. There's not much in this life that I know...but I do know that I don't have kids and I am the end of my mother's familial line and when I die, there will be no one to remember us, well, mostly me since I'm estranged from my family due to location and being gay in a religion that doesn't exactly embrace me. So I will rephrase...once I die, it will be as if I never existed. Maybe by putting this online, somewhere in the future some will find it and my existence won't have been for nothing. Oh, and if you are looking for super happy lovey dovey may need to wait a while.


  1. Even though we are estranged, I still love you. Maybe you need to find Jesus, and get rid of "religion." I believe they are two very different ideals. I believe that MY Jesus loves you like you are, and created you to be just like you are. As far as blogging and Facebook...mostly crap. The real world is people...touching, seeing, and feeling. Facebook, MySpace...they are all the same. They don't show people who you really are. Forget about the drama...and decide for you. Volunteer your time...find meaning in the things in life all around you. And when that doesn't your ass down to University Place where I work and say HI! Love you long time. Heather

  2. Hi Deb, I am so sorry I can just feel the pain in your words. I am not sure I told you, but my brother is gay and his partner is estranged from his family. Same excuse. Religion. The whole judge not thing? Yeah, not so much. But I know there is someone really close in my life who will completely understand what you are going thru! I cant say I understand, and dont want to give the generic "oh I totally understand, it must be so hard...blah blah." Because truth? I cant imagine and I dont know. But let me put you in touch with him! He is going thru such turmoil because he is literally cut off. At the knees. From his FAMILY. My family IS his family, at this point. So hit me up if you want to trade info with him?
    I read your FB, and I remember you so well! Girl you were my homie for real in school :) I think its obvious you have alot of gifts to give to the world. Even having not seen you forever, I can see that. You are smart, caring, soft and genuine. Its so obvious. Keep writing, its good to have an outlet. I know I will be listening.

  3. Deb, Where do you get off saying you are worthless and un-needed? I have only had the pleasure of knowing you for the last several months since I began working with you. You are a wealth of knowledge, a confidant, a friend, a mentor, and truly amazing at all of them. I could never see you as anything less. I want and see as a needed asset in my life. As often as you post or blog, or I sneak in your office, I will always see you as amazing part of my life.

    Jen, IOP

  4. Deb - I read your blog and my heart just hurt. Honey, don't you know how many lives you touch? While I have not known you forever, I have enjoyed getting to know you! Your caring about others, your can do attitude and mostly - your willingness to always share a smile! Keep being who you are - hugs to you! Thank you for sharing your life with all of us, we are better for it! :)


  5. Hey Deb,
    I haven't hid my respect for you, and my care for your wellbeing - I won't be maudlin - but I'm here to help as I can.
