Sunday, February 13, 2011

Fortune cookies and skates...

I got my first issue of fiveonfive magazine in the mail it cover to cover and at some point found myself practically drooling over the boots, shoes, wheels, tights, and my gosh don't forget the safety gear, can't think of derby without thinking brain bucket.

Then while reading an article from Mimi Metal Storm (Canberra Roller Derby League) a section of words towards the end of the article hit me like a brick. It was like the feeling you get when you go to church and the preacher gives a talk that you would swear was specifically just for you. Like opening a fortune cookie that is spot on to whatever is going on in your life. You know, when you get that tingly sensation like destiny or the universe is talking to you?

"When you're watching a bout and think to yourself, if I wasn't already playing this game, I would so want to be...then you know you're a derby girl."

I cracked open my cookie and found my fortune on page 37.

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