Everything that is worth a lot of money or important in our lives, comes with a manual. Think about it...your car, your stereo, your computer, your job, your phone...all come with owner's manuals. But we don't. The most important thing in our life...has no manual for how to care for it...how to love, cherish, worship, treat, and nourish OURSELVES. How fucked up is that? No manuals on how to adequately and appropriately love...
So with that being said, we muddle our way through life making mistake after mistake, bouncing off of metaphorical walls. Getting into relationships that we think we are supposed to be in because someone on TV or in a book says so. Day time TV is full of 'how to' topics...in effort to somehow tell you what you should want for you...what is best for you. But really, shouldn't the person telling you what is best for you, be you? Only you can know what makes you truly happy. Only you know what has failed in the past, what has made things better...only you should be allowed to direct your path in this life. No one should ever have that power over you, no one should govern over you by power, threat, or guilt. Those in your life should work with you, help you, encourage and cheer you on. Friends and family should be your foundation for a better life...to want you to better your life not for something they may benefit from, but because they truly want your life better...because you do. No one should take from you, without giving in equal amounts. Not ever.
Our hearts and souls are like buckets...and the mistake we make, is giving and giving of the precious life sustaining liquid that nourishes us to everyone around us, without getting any in return. You serve no purpose in life if you give all of what you are, until the point you are empty. Then not only do you cease to exist for you, but for everyone who loves you. You must first sustain your life and only after you have your fill, do you share the excess with others. And only with those who return love and life to your bucket. There will always be people in this world that will take and take and take...with no regard or thought for the person they are draining. You cannot control them or the life they lead...your only responsibility is to determine just how much of who you really are deep down that you are willing to give up. To sacrifice for someone who doesn't even see your selfless gift as such. If it were not you, it would be someone else. And then someone else after them. So if you struggle deciding if you are worth caring for...try this on for size...are those you love and care for worth giving up? Because you short change them by letting anyone suck you dry and limiting your potential.
Just food for thought...
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