Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Positive Change

*Just some more unsolicited thoughts from Chyler and Nathan’s Instagram Video*

There’s so much going on in the world right now that it’s easy to feel overwhelmed to the point of indifference and apathy. Society experiences trauma related grief much the same as the body starts off in shock, trying to make sense of something that is so out of the normal limit. We move to denial, because after all, have we not moved past all the injustice and prejudice that previously ripped apart our country. Pretty soon the anger sets in, or rather rises up from the depths of our tormented souls because all that we know is suddenly changing and we are forced to question our own reality. Before the chaos is able to settle, we make deals with God and the Universe. We play the ‘what if’ game and create scenarios that will make the new reality fit the old scheme, it’s this bargaining that takes its toll because what was, can no longer be. Because our cries and prayers and mental manipulations fail us, we turn inward, isolate and become depressed. We lash out at others, trying desperately to either pull ourselves up or pull others down so we aren’t so alone. At some point, we start to take in our world with new eyes, and we learn new skills and welcome new experiences. It is at this point, we are able to understand acceptance. 

Just for clarification, acceptance doesn’t mean that everything is great, it just means that the trauma is now something that can be understood and learned from. The wounds are still present, but not so fresh, raw and bloody...but when we keep getting injured or rip off bandages from earlier wounds...the process starts all over. The thing is, the body is not created to sustain life in a constant state of trauma and/or grief. The stress weakens us at a very cellular level, leading to early death, mental illness, addictions etc. We as a species and a society are not designed for this process so we find ourselves at a crossroads. A very literal line in the sand where we either stop or move. Also known as ‘fight or flight’ and at this moment in time...society has claimed the right to fight and we find ourselves in the middle of what seems to be a neverending traumatic event and the collective consciousness is grieving. Our world quite frankly, is in a constant state of shock. 

Everyday we are confronted with the negativity as it screams so loudly that many of us can’t hear our own thoughts, and we easily become consumed with the raw emotions circling around us. There are so many hands reaching for help, so many mouths screaming insults and so many opinions fighting for dominance that in all can actually feel gravity has doubled, crushing everything we are and can be. We want to lash out, find retribution but contempt breeds contempt...and in the depths of darkness, we search for light. Chyler mentioned that Create Change is about “changing the world with positivity” is that positivity, that light, that curses the darkness and stands as a beacon to guide, comfort and lead. In that light we learn and grow and bring hope where otherwise there was none. When we force out the darkness, only light remains...that is how we make change. Not by fighting, or hurling insults or getting even despite feeling that would make us feel whole, it would be an empty victory. 

Lasting change in this world does not come at the end of a gun, or by legal authority. It comes by making positive changes to our lives, our communities, our country...our world. That is the only way we can stop the trauma and find a way to heal. It’s past time to stop the vicious cycle, but understand that taking a stand is only part of the equation. We are at a point where it is necessary to educate, encourage, support and love each other because of our differences. Because we are capable of so much more, bigger and better things, when we come together and embrace our uniqueness nothing can stop our evolution. If we keep this motivation going, if we keep seeking positive change...each generation will better itself. When we create change within ourselves, the light and growth cannot be contained and those around us will be drawn to our hope and joy, further spreading more change. I suppose you could think of positive change as a summer camp rash that you get from swimming in the lake. You have a good time, notice a small change and eventually it’s everywhere. But just to clarify, it’s a good kind of algae and rash.

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