Quality vs Quantity
(Yet more unsolicited thoughts after livestreaming #MotivationMonday)
Part of me wants to play off last week’s #MotivationMonday livestream like, “oh yeah that’s cool I have so much I can process and then write a totally awesomesauce response.” I’ve sat in front of my computer every day watching the cursor blink at me...blink, blink, blink. Like it’s taunting me, teasing me like a kindergarten game of tag and just when I get close enough to grasp my thoughts, they disappear leaving me alone. Now please don’t get me wrong, it’s not that Chyler and Nathan didn’t have anything important to say, because that is far from the truth. I have 14 quotes to use as inspiration so I shouldn’t be struggling...but I am. It’s hard to just find one or two comments to focus on sometimes because the issues are real, serious and ever so important. So as I sit here, it suddenly hits me like a two by four to the face, I think I have an idea…
During the Monday live streams both Nathan and Chyler have mentioned on numerous occasions that “Create Change doesn’t focus on the numbers game. It’s about quality, the community has strength because each of you have value as individuals.” I remember that Nathan started the comment, and Chyler finished it, like they are of one mind and insync as they march through the current minefield of chaos and strife to try and give others a path to follow. It tickled my brain funny when they said that because it reminded me of all my statistics courses in college when I learned about sample sizes, measures and types of studies used to form clinical hypotheses. It was burned into my brain so that it was easy to recall the different study types, specifically quality vs. quantity. Here, let me elaborate a little…
You can have a large sample size (participants) which equals quantity, or you can have a smaller sample size which equals quality. See the difference? The smaller the sample size, the less likely things will erupt in unforeseen chaos, and it’s somewhat easier to trust the results. When we think about our friendships, we for the most part prefer to have a smaller group that is close, trustworthy and shows protective traits and integrity. Larger groups are hard to maintain and lack the overall feel of safeness. Okay, now that I’ve bored you to blindness with my rambling, I did have a purpose to speak on...if I could just remember which pocket I put it in or which pair of pants I put that purpose in.
Part of Create Change, according to my opinion (that yes no one asked for) is to create a place for positivity, integrity, trust and learning. It’s a place that is designed to do exactly as the name states...to create change. Being a part of this community, costs nothing. No, really. It’s free to be a member, and of course you can pay for other ‘levels’ but it doesn’t change the content for anyone to learn or be a part of. The kicker here is that, when you subscribe to whichever level, you agree to speak kindly to others so that the space is a place where ANYONE can go and heal. No pressure, no fighting, no discrimination. You are welcome to come as you are, and celebrated for it.
I know you’re wondering what the heck is my point, and here it is. Create Change is a quality endeavor where each and every individual is cherished and free to be who they are. So Nathan and Chyler are right when they say it’s not about the numbers, because it’s about the quality of each person and what they can bring to the Create Change family, community, world. Sure, massive numbers are impressive but I think that starting small and making sure it’s done right is the difference between success and failure. A close group of people, sharing a common vision or goal, is so much more powerful than a horde of people easily distracted and pulled apart. I mean when you think about it, there’s a term for this sort of thing...way back in the day, when trouble came around the settlers would ‘circle the wagons’ as a way to keep everyone together and protected. Okay, maybe not the best example but my point is that if we have faith in ourselves, each other and those we hold close...we create a safe network that can grow and encourage positive change and integrity, thereby spreading and creating the change that we so desperately are searching for.
Start within and move forward.
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