Friday, June 25, 2010

Photo Contest entries...

This is a shot of the Mukilteo beach and ferry.

The three above are all from Kayak Point.

This is a walking bridge on the way to Big Four Ice Caves.

This is under Deception Pass Bridge.

I don't claim to be a good photographer, and I sometimes really wonder why I bother taking pictures since once I am gone, there will be no reason for them to remain behind. Sometimes I feel that way about everything I buy, collect or do...when I am gone, there will be no one to pass anything to. In any event, while I work on my thoughts for the next blog, I thought I would share these. I hold no false assumptions that my photos will ever win for any of the slots for the calendar contest...aim for the stars, so that even when you miss you at the very least miss the piles of shit on the ground.


  1. These pics are awesome! I absolutely love the one below deception pass bridge, Wow!

    We were just at Mukilteo Beach yesterday and had such a great time. That place is so amazing. I thought of you actually since you were the one to tell us about Kayak Point, I was thinking you probably love Mukilteo Beach. We will have to go sometime! I leave on Tues. to go to NY so maybe when we get back in August we can go!

    Oh ya, come get your sweatshirt Sunday night.

  2. Deb those are great. I tried taking a picture like that at Deception Point of the bridge and it didn't look nearly half as good as yours!

  3. Dear Debra,
    I checked out pictures on your blog. I LOVE them! You take wonderful pictures!

    I don't know if i am good at erasing the hard disk, but i know some of the things that were put on our disk, were put there in early childhood, and they can be hard to erase. Maybe they will always be there.

    I do not know if that's the reason some of us choose not to enter a realtionship. It could be that we haven't found the right one yet. It could be that we are insecure, and not know how to go about it, since it is new. Maybe it makes some of us nervous to a point of not going into that area yet. Some may not entre into a relationship with another woman, because they don't feel it is supposed to be the way they ought to live. Really we cannot decide for another person what their mission or path in life is supposed to e. But we can notice fear and nervousness and anger. We can help each other by just being there for each other, by loving, acceptoing and maybe in good spirit by reflecting things back to us. Some of us enter into relationships and are able to erase that hard disk and just follow who they truly are in this life.

    It is a very complex thing to realise we are lesbian, and it takes a lot of ontrospection, usually, esp as mormons, to figure out who we are and what the reasons are for what we do. Whom we allow ourselves to love and in what ways.

