Friday, January 31, 2014

Welcome to Season 7 (through my eyes)

Though I was wearing the new black official polo for our league as an NSO, I was listed as an alternate so I didn't really have much to do. I was totally okay with this as I haven't exactly been the best NSO for the league lately...letting my personal crises and lack of faith in anything good take me away from derby for some time. I just didn't feel like I would be able to give the girls my best effort and they work hard and it's my job to make sure they are safe, productive and happy. So I spent my time saying hi to people that I haven't seen in months, and getting hugs from some of the best people in the world. I guess I just had one job at the first bout of Season 7...take pictures, and I did. I was disappointed in my efforts though because my little 8 year old camera can't keep up with the action. Here's my efforts:

I love doing derby photography, the quiet moments in between jams. The coaching, the way the girls interact with each other, the refs, NSO''s all magical. And I want to capture all of it. 

Every. Single. Second.

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